Sunday, December 19, 2010

I wish Upon a star

I wish upon a star.
That a day shall come when i walk hand in hand
Down the aisle covered in red rose petals.
In an open summer field of bright sun.
Looking forward to kneeling at the altar.
O how i envision the smiles and the joy all around me.
The presence of friends and family
Well wishers and co-workers
The day i shall look into the eyes of that who i call soul mate
The day when two becomes one
The day two families unite with a lifelong bond.
I know it's just a wish for now.
The reality is i work down the dirty road
Covered in verbal and physical abuse
In a grey rainy field
Being pushed further and further away from the altar
We both run from those who hate our love.
Our families yes are united to our division
But if anything i hold on to this love which we share
This love that lights the dark room we are locked in
This love that feeds me in this period of starvation.
I push forward each day with this love on my mind
The truth is that which i wish for,
Is done each time i lay in your arms and look in your eyes
Is done when i hear you speak
Your love is the summer in this rain.
The star upon which i wished is you.

I dedicate this piece to all those going through issues with family.