Monday, November 19, 2012

The Nigerian Homosexual Bill

I am gay Nigerian Christian and happy. I am a university graduate from a prestigious school. I am not mentally ill or demon possessed. I was neither raped nor sexually abused as a kid. Using logic to analyze this case if the law is based on "moral" and "religion" then adultery and fornication is a federal crime. False witness, coveting, lust should all be a federal crime. I rather spend 14 years in jail than to live a life of deceit and not being me. Now to those who say foreign aiD should go to blaze, what contingency plan does the government have to help those depending on those programs? With this law passed would it empower and improve basic living for all? The education sector is in shambles and it is only affordable for those who can afford private schools, yet no law or bill has been brought up to revamp it. I can be called names for being gay, I am not ashamed of me. This bill passed or not would harm lives than help. The irony is it was the western world that started persecuting and brought it during colonization and they've seen the error in their ways. It is beyond wonders why this bill is a piority for them. There are major issues that are pressing in both nigeria and Uganda and homosexual is the least of their issues.
 Now I have decided to stop hiding behind a mask and be out about my sexuality. I would not hide any longer, the more i do the more victory to those who wanto oppress us. I think these countries needs the LGBT community to be more vocal and present. There should be fearless leaders and people who are not ashamed about their sexuality and should come out. If i had the finances I would have gone to Nigeria and speak out.